Back to where we started!

Somehow I didn’t fall and hurt myself!

Heading into Nevada, we stayed at the Ruby mountains and discovered a hidden gem in eastern Nevada. The campsite was difficult to get to, especially due to road work, but it was well worth the drive. Unfortunately we were hit by someone in a truck stop or clipped a road construction cone and had a small amount of damage on the back end of the travel trailer. We are not sure which, but have narrowed it down to one of the two possibilities.
Carson3We finally arrived in Carson and stayed with good friends after a quick visit with my parents who graciously fed us. It was a little strange being back in Carson after having only been gone for a little over a month, but we enjoyed getting to see some friends and family. Unfortunately we were not able to see everyone we wanted due to time constraints. It was getting a bit hot and we knew we had to leave soon, so we took care of business that had to be dealt with Carson2and headed over to the capital building.

Carson4Visiting the capital building was a bit of a bummer after seeing other capital buildings. The guided tours had to be scheduled weeks in advance, so we had to self guide ourselves and Carson doesn’t have a guide pamphlet. The entire experience was sad because all the other capital buildings had build newer building, but Carson still has its original building that was built as quickly and cheaply as possible. When CarsoCarson5andhalfn renovated the building they did the bare minimum so it wouldn’t collapse, but the building did not look well maintained and it was sad to see our home capital building in such bad shape. Carson5We made the best of it though and walked all over the couple of rooms they allow you in. The kids got a governors coin too, which was a nice bonus. As a side note I was always told the dome was pure silver, but that is wrong and it was originally made of tin then later redone with Plexiglas painted silver.Carson6Carson7Carson8

Our hosts were amazing while we were in Carson and I want to thank

This wine tasted too good and the company made it even better!

them, but will leave pictures and names of them out since I didn’t get permission to use them. I will include a picture of one of the nights we had. I don’t know how much all that wine cost in dollars, but it hurt the next day for sure! It was a blast though and we even got to take their kids and ours to Rancho San Rafael and to the Planetarium in Reno. At this point it got even hotter,

Yes the temp in our car read 126 degrees!

which we didn’t think was possible. So we decided to get on the road before summer ended and head up to Oregon.Carson11Carson15Carson14


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